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Writer's pictureKidz Mic Team


Updated: Sep 2, 2022

What do you really want for your child? Do you want them to go to college? Do you want them to simply be happy? Do you want them to succeed at what they want, to be a leader or to simply live their best life? Many parents simply tell us... all of it.

We want that for your child too! To help you out, you can count on Kidz Mic's STEAMLeaderz movement to share information that will help you prepare and our two young creative science minded co-founders to keep creating and testing new ways to get more cool STEAM Leadership toys, experiments + fun challenges media available to your kids in a way that feels and looks like them. Why STEAM? Because experts say that STEAM is the wway of the future, success, prosperity, and more for the next generation. STEAM is important but the Oxford University Study referenced below also explains why leadership skills, socially, and creatively are also going to increase in importance for our kids to get ahead. To help you out, here are 3 important data points to consider as you continue to love your children more than anything, do everything you can to prepare them, and seek out the best for them:

1. Oxford University's study shares that 47% of jobs that exist today will be replaced by automation (gone) in 10 years

2. According to Fast Company, coding is the most important job of the future

3. Nearly 100% of future jobs will require STEAM or coding - prep your kids now

Giving your child the tools they need now is the best edge that you can give them in life and getting started on the next level can be super easy. Sign up here to get immediate access to our latest STEAM Challenge featuring kids like yours having fun with STEAM and check out actual fun STEAM challenge kits so your kids can do challenges just like their favorite YouTube kids - but in a way that helps their future. ;-) The co-founders of Kidz Mic love science, they do coding everyday, skip grades in science, coding, and speak to + celebrities kids all over and it is all to empower even more STEAMLeaderz to reach their own personal greatness, to be truly prepared for the future. There is plenty to help your child succeed here, including great leadership skill enhancing story books that bring out Black Girl Magic + Brown Boy Brilliance, authentic leadership that feels 'right' for your kids and more right here to keep the magic going and STEAM train rolling more easily in your house -- enjoy!


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